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Society - 15. page

Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday, the day of the largest simultaneous number of U.S. state presidential primary elections. Twenty-four states will hold either caucuses or primary elections for one or both parties today. Here in Massachusetts, I’m hoping Super Tuesday turns out better than the Super Bowl or at least gets as much public attention!

Let’s make History! Hillary 08

What kind of world do you want?

Originally uploaded by BissellBlog2.0.

I saw this sign a few weeks ago at a local middle school and took this photo, because I really liked the sign. Today I found out that this sign actually represents a class project at the Northbridge Middle School, in Massachusetts. A Grade Eight Language Arts Class answered this question in an amazingly mature and insightful way. The class created a poem, sited film shots, and recruited a parent to assist in editing. The end product is extremely impressive and should gives us all hope for today’s youth. People viewing the clip results in a charity donation to their specified cause “Autism Speaks”.


Flying Spaghetti Monster

Finally, Pastafarians get some serious attention!

Religious scholars mull Flying Spaghetti Monster

When some of the world’s leading religious scholars gather in San Diego this weekend, pasta will be on the intellectual menu. They’ll be talking about a satirical pseudo-deity called the Flying Spaghetti Monster, whose growing pop culture fame gets laughs but also raises serious questions about the essence of religion…

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Hillary for President

Got to see Hillary speak in Boston this month. She was awesome; smart,
experienced, caring, but also tough when necessary. She would not only make
history, she would make a great president.

10 Reasons To Support Hillary Clinton for President and help make history.

1. To end the war in Iraq

2. To achieve universal, affordable health care

3. To create good jobs for middle-class Americans with the right investments in modern infrastructure and in new clean, energy-efficient technologies that reduce our dependence on foreign oil and combat global warming

4. To provide world-class education, from universal pre-kindergarten to affordable college for all

5. To promote 21st Century scientific innovation, including stem cell research

6. To return to fiscal responsibility, move back toward a balanced budge, and safeguard Social Security and Medicare for future generations

7. To restore competence and end cronyism in government, with a President who cares about and works for Americans who have been invisible to this Administration

8. To combat terrorism, strengthen our military, and care for our veterans

9. To restore America’s standing in the world and repair our alliances

10. To build a more tolerant, united America, working to achieve big goals again, with a President who’s Ready for Change and Ready to Lead from day one.
