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Facebook’s new ‘Like’ Buttons

Mark Zuckerberg introducing Facebooks new ‘Like’ Buttons

Facebook is spreading out all over the web with its new ‘Like’ buttons. The like buttons we’ve seen for a while on facebook will now be showing up on sites all over the web. If you read a story or a blog post, listen to some music, check out a photo or watch a video that you like, you can click on the like button, giving a thumbs up to the content. This basically means you’d recommend the content to your friends and the link will be added to your facebook newsfeed.

I think this is a smart move for Facebook, which will now be all over the web. I’ve just added a wordpress plugin to this blog, which places Facebook’s like button at the bottom of each post. Go ahead and give a click to the thumbs up button below this paragraph. If you are signed into your facebook account your thumbs up and avatar will show up on this post and a link will be added to your facebook wall.


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