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Eric’s Quotes

Eric’s Quote of the Day

Back on February 3, 2010, Eric asked me if I was getting old. I thought this was funny, so I tweeted: Eric’s Quote of the Day, “Are you getting old Mom?” My tweet also went to my facebook wall where the post got some positive feedback. About a week later Eric said, “I’m moving back and forth through time.” I think he got this from a Star Trek movie, but still I thought this was interesting and heavy stuff, so again I tweeted. And again, lots of feedback via Facebook. Soon, people were asking for more of Eric’s Quotes.

For those of you who don’t know Eric, he is a former 26-week preemie twin. He has spastic quad cerebral palsy due to his premature birth. He has many challenges, but one of his greatest gifts is his wonderful sense of humor. He is a never ending source of humorous quotes. Some of his ideas come from Disney movies or something he has heard at school. Basically, he says whatever pops into his mind, which can be some very funny stuff.

Here are a few of my favorites:

“There are no cookies at the salad bar.”
“Wait just a pickin’ cotton minute!”
“How many syllables in constipation?”
“Giddy up sleepy jeans”
“Does fruit punch grow on a vine?”

Well, you get the idea…

Next people were not only asking for more quotes, but they wanted a page just for Eric’s quotes. Facebook ‘friends’ were much more interested in Eric’s quotes than anything I had to say. So I created an Eric’s Quotes Fan Page. Within a couple of days, Eric had accumulated over 200 fans!

Join Eric’s Quotes Fan Page and see what Eric has to say next:
