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Nobel Prize

Update – Tuesday

Anthony looks better today, as the swelling in his face has decreased. He is still on a ventilator, but his O2 has been decreased from 50% to 40%. They plan to start weaning him off the ventilator later today and see how he does. He is opening his eyes once in a while, but he’s on heavy pain medications and asleep most of the time. He has a small infiltrate in his right lung, but this is getting better on it’s own. He is on IV antibiotics and has no fever. I got a look at his back today. Not much to see but a really big bandage covering most of his back. Hoping to see an x-ray soon.

On another note, the hospital is buzzing with the news that Craig Mello, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering a process that can silence specific genes. Pretty cool, and big local news.

Eyes open
Look how straight he is in the bed!