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Monthly Archives: December 2008 - 2. page

Now that Barack Obama has been elected, The political action group asked it’s 5 million members what the organizations next priority should be for 2009. Members were asked to pick their top three most important issues.

My top 3 were:

1. Universal health care
2. Build a green economy, stop climate change
3. Improve public schools

It should come as no surprise to those who know me that Universal Health Care would be at the top of my list. What was really surprising to me is that it is also on the top of the list for the majority of MoveOn members! Universal Health Care even came before economic recovery! But then if you really think about it, Universal Health Care will actually help the economy, probably more than billion dollar bale outs. If the Big 3 automakers didn’t have to provide health care for it’s employees, that alone would put them in the black. This would also be very helpful to struggling small businesses. More Americans go bankrupt every year due to medical bills than for any other reason.

Of course there are many more reasons that Universal Health Care is the right thing to do, but I’ll save those for another post. I was just pleasantly surprised that this issue ended up on the very top of the list of priorities. Interesting.

Below are the top 10 goals in the order of importance to MoveOn members:

1. Universal health care 64.9%
2. Economic recovery and job creation 62.1%
3. Build a green economy, stop climate change 49.6%
4. End the war in Iraq 48.3%
5. Improve public schools 21.6%
6. Restore civil liberties 16.8%
7. Hold the Bush Administration accountable 15.2%
8. Gay rights/LGBT equality 8.6%
9. Increase access to higher education 7.6%
10. Reform campaigns and elections 5.7%


Santa Shuffle

Two of a kind…

I can’t believe Christmas is just a few days away.  I manage to get all of my Christmas shopping done without entering a single store.  The UPS man and I are on a first name basis.

It looks like we are in for another storm today.  The snow is supposed to start around noontime into tomorrow.  Anthony’s school already canceled and I’m betting the twins will have an early dismissal.

My sister and family came down yesterday for a hot meal, a shower and to do some laundry.  They still have no power!  If they don’t get their power back today, they are in for a tough weekend with snow today and more forecasted for Sunday.  Temperatures will get into the single digits at night.  Luckily, they have a wood burning stove, which is keeping them fairly comfortable and will prevent the house pipes from freezing.  Sue was out chopping wood yesterday and said she feels like a pioneer woman.  She said the worst part is that they have no running water, so they can’t flush the toilet.  They are making trips to the reservoir and keeping water in their bath tub for flushing and buying bottled water for drinking.

I don’t ever recall loosing power for more than a couple of days here in MA. I can’t imagine going that long without power.  They are managing pretty well, but admit that it’s getting old.  Certainly gives one a different perspective.  Many people around the world live like this on a daily basis.  But then it’s hard to miss what you’ve never had.  When you look at the big picture we are pretty spoiled here in the US.

I just got the automated call that school has also been canceled for the twins, so I’m going back to bed…


Winter Concert

Eric is taking chorus in high school.  I’m not quite sure how he got into this class, probably the same way he got into Spanish class in middle school.  But he enjoys Spanish and likes chorus too.

Tonight was the Winter Concert at the high school.  I worry about this type of event, because you never know how he will do.  If there is a crying baby in the audience – which there often is at these school events – that can set him off.  Eric is capable of making quite a scene… I did not take him to the first concert of the year, because he wasn’t behaving very well and I just knew it wouldn’t be good.  But recently, he has been very good (probably for Santa), plus he said he wanted to go.  So, we gave it a shot.  He did super up on stage.  He didn’t sing, but I was just happy that he was well-behaved!  He did get upset later in the evening while the band was playing, but at least all went smoothly when he was on stage.  Yes, a loud baby in the audience.

Hopefully, these events will continue to get easier for him as he gets older.  He is also getting better at handling noise. The problem is that he has a very raw nervous system due to his cerebral palsy and loud sudden noises cause an exaggerated startle reflex.  It’s nothing that he can control, but hopefully he will continue to get better at handling them.

Anyway, it was a wonderful experience for him and I got some nice photos and video, but I can’t say that it was and enjoyable evening.  I’m always on pins and needles waiting for a melt down, but always happy when all goes well.

Here is a photo of Eric with the chorus.


New England Shivers

New England shivers without power after ice storm

(CNN) — At least 800,000 customers in New England are still without electricity on Sunday after an ice storm ravaged the region, officials say.

President Bush has authorized federal aid by declaring a state of emergency in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Full Story

There is devastation all around us, but luckily we were spared here in the Blackstone Valley.  My sister is still without power; day 4 for her.   Here are a couple more photos.

Backyard, she lost all but one of her trees:




Bush declares emergency in icy Massachusetts

A severe ice storm prompted President Bush to declare Saturday that a state of emergency exists in northern Massachusetts, a move that authorizes the use of federal aid to help the recovery effort.

Gov. Deval Patrick declared a statewide state of emergency on Friday in response to the storm, which struck Thursday and continued into Saturday.

By Saturday night, there were 180,000 customers without power, said James Mannion, deputy public information officer for the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency.

In addition, 750 National Guard troops were deployed in the affected area, he said.

“The big problems here are, obviously, the power outages,” he said.

Officials were working to clear roads so that power crews could get in.

Full story

Below is a photo of my sister’s driveway.  We were spared the ice here in Grafton as the temperature hovered just above freezing.  But folks north and west of us were not so lucky.  We had 3 friends stay with us Friday night and my sister and brother-in-law stayed over last night.

Ice Storm