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Monthly Archives: December 2008 - 3. page

No School Today

Here’s a bit of a vent, but really I’m just testing this new version of WordPress at this new address…

This morning I got up at my usual week-day time of 4:30am, before the birds and even before the sun. I’m not a morning person and I hate getting up that early. But it takes me over two hours to get my boys up, dressed, fed and ready for school.

When I looked out the window, it was poring rain. The third straight day of rain, but as we say in New England, at least it’s not snow. I felt like crawling back into bed, but it’s Friday, one more day and I can sleep in for two mornings. It was raining hard and very windy, so the first thing I did after turning on my coffee and computer was check the school status on the web; there it was in green “school is open.” It wasn’t until my work was finished that I got the automated call that school was canceled. Five minutes later the van pulled up to pick up the twins. The van had already picked up one student! The driver – and apparently the child’s mother – also had no idea there was no school. It took me another 45 minutes to get the boys out of their chairs and braces and back to bed. grrrrr!

I understand that sometimes it’s a tough call deciding whether or not to cancel school. But Grafton is notoriously late canceling. I just wish they would cancel earlier like other districts, for the poor unfortunate soles like myself, who’s day starts very early.

As it turned out, the temperature was hovering around freezing and many cities and towns around us had bad ice storms. There are lots of trees down and thousands without power throughout the state. It actually turned out to be a fairly nice day here in Grafton. Once the rain stopped, the sun came out and we still had power. But many of our friends were not so lucky. We have 3 of them spending the night tonight because they have no power and worse, no heat.


‘Christian’ License Plate

SC proposed License Plate


Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that the state of South Carolina may not issue a special “Christian” license plate featuring a cross, a stained-glass window and the words “I Believe.”

Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which sponsored the litigation to stop issuance of the plate, hailed the decision.

The measure authorizing the special plates was passed unanimously by both houses of the legislature, with the active support of Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer. What were they thinking?

“The ‘I Believe’ license plate is a clear example of government favoritism toward one religion,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. “The court drove home an important point: South Carolina officials have no business meddling in religious matters.”

Just get a bumper sticker like everyone else.


Thou shalt not steal?

This sign was erected at a legislative building in Washington state at 6:30am and was stolen by 7:30am. Not only does this violate the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States, but it also violates the Ten Commandments.

I actually agree that this sign should not be displayed in a public building, but neither should the Nativity scene that was right beside it. Religious beliefs always manage to cause problems that often leads to violence. In the dangerous world we live in today with religious extremest on both sides, it is more important than ever to keep a separation of church and state.

It doesn’t matter that the majority of US citizens are Christians, the Constitution forbids the establishment of any religion over another, and freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. And of course, it is also important to remember that being in a majority does not make you right. After all, the guys who wrote the Bible thought the world was flat.

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