HATCHET, originally uploaded by BissellBlog2.0.
Aaron loves making movies, it’s pretty much all he does in his free time. He films his own movies, transfers the files to his computer, edits the footage, adds sounds, music and special effects and shares them on-line. Not bad for an ex-preemie with special needs. He has made hundreds of movies, some are quite good, some are not-so-good. But he has fun and filming is a wonderful outlet for his imagination and creativity.
Recently, he has become interested in horror movies. At first I was a bit concerned about the new direction of his films. But Aaron’s focus is on the art of creating a scary movie and technical aspects of the special effects, rather than to the gore and violence. Aaron understands the difference between movies and real life. He also has a kind heart and is non-violent. He is just having fun with his scary movies.
He has his own youtube.com “channel” where he posts some of his films. One of his films captured the attention of Hollywood director, Adam Green who directed the movie” HATCHET”. Hatchet is an old-school-type horror film released in 2006. Aaron did a “fan film” which is now featured on Adam Green’s personal blog! Adam and Aaron have emailed back and forth and Adam sent Aaron this autographed movie poster! Aaron was so excited when the poster arrived in the mail! He now has it framed and hanging in his room.
Adam also sent Rich and I a nice email, here is an excerpt:
“I just want to say how nice it is to hear from parents who see the value in this genre and support the creativity that it inspires. I was raised the same way with very liberal and loving parents who took the time to experience these films with me and make sure that I took the right things out of them. If I could only convey to you what it was like to be treated like a criminal by the Motion Picture Association of America who went after me so personally and so hard for HATCHET- while turning the other cheek on the not-so-fun films that convey realistic torture, rape, sex, and drug use (but are supported by major studios with lots of money)…it would break your heart. I’m proud to be one of the good guys in Aaron’s life as that’s all I ever aspired to be.”
Adam Green is obviously a kind, intelligent and talented man. I’m sure his parents are as proud of him as we are of Aaron.
Thanks Adam!