Anthony had his follow-up appointment with his surgeon yesterday. The only problems we’ve had are with his digestive system, both ends… But nothing we can’t manage. She did an x-ray of his spine and was very please with the correction she got. “20%, that’s my personal best”, she said! How awesome is that?:-)
Here is the new x-ray:
His incision looks great too, all healed:
She said that technically it takes a full year for the spine to be totally healed. The bones are quite “squishy” now, so we have to be careful moving Anthony and we have to be sure to keep his spine straight and not bend his hips more than 90 degrees. She said we should be safe after 3 months, even better after 6 months. Loooonnnngggg recovery time! He can go back to school on November 20th. She did ask if we wanted a body jacket for school, but I thought it would be tougher handling him with a body jacket.
Here is a photo of Anthony and his surgeon Dr. Shelton:
Thanks Barb:)
Funny thing, even after a year of being opened from wrist to elbow and such a large amount of tissue, nerve ends, and tendons removed, I am still numb to the touch, yet sense tissue and nerve changes every day. It does take a long time to heal.
Hang in there Anthony.