My sister Sue posted this lovely photo of her old charm bracelet on Facebook. She has been studying photography and has become an excellent photographer. This artsy photo brought back lots of memories.
After seeing Sues photo, I dug through my old jewelry box to see if I could find mine. Sure enough I still had it and it was still in the original box from Edwards Jewelry Store on Moody Street in Waltham. I just googled Edwards and I see that they are still in business. When we were kids, my mother got us both charm bracelets and for many birthdays a new charm was added.
Sue’s bracelet was obviously well worn. Mine – on the other hand – is still like new. I was quite a tomboy and not into wearing much jewelry. But I did save the bracelet and it’s a nice memento of my younger days. I think the 16th birthday charm was one of the last charms I got, so we probably got these in the late 60′s to early 70′s. Interesting that the only charm that applies to me now is that I’m still a Sagittarius!
Here is a scan of my bracelet: