We took Aaron and a couple of friends to Rock & Shock 2009 at the Worcester DCU Center last night. Rock & Shock is a Horror convention that mixes artist and vendor displays with rock music. We didn’t do the music part, we went primarily because Aaron is a huge horror/thriller movie buff. As I’ve mentioned before, he does his own thriller show on local cable TV, so he just loves dressing up and going to events like this.
Where he got this interest in horror movies, I have no idea. Rich and I are not fans of this genre. In fact, I avoid scary movies as much as possible. Real life is plenty scary enough for me! Rich tolerates them for Aaron and usually takes him to the movies he wants to see. I decided to come to this event since it’s the Halloween time of year and also brought Eric along. I figured, if it was too much for him or I, we could just leave. As it turned out we all had a great time. Eric loved all the action and especially enjoyed the people dressed up in costumes.
There were lots of horror film actors, directors, make-up artists, costume designers, film makers and distributors there. You could get an autograph and photo taken with lots of horror celebrities (usually for a price). I was excited to meet Malcolm McDowell who was the villain in Star Trek Generations among other films. I confess, I’m a Star Trek nerd and I would surely fit in better at a Star Trek convention.
Some people actually thought that was my real hair!
In addition to actors, there were also tattoo artists, toy and model makers, costume contests, horror industry professionals and vendors, comic book artists & vendors, film screenings, CD and DVD vendors, models and actors in costume, and many other artists and vendors. Aaron came home with lots of new props for his movies and also did some networking with a couple of local film makers.

Aaron, Katie and Ryan are big fans of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Here is Aaron as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Ryan is Brad. Eric is wearing his prisoner Halloween costume. Hey, must always keep a sense of humor!

Looks like a good time. Love the pictures! I like your hair too 🙂
What a great series. heading over to FlickR.
I was wondering who the cute chick was and then my head and vision cleared (yes it is early and I am on my first cup of coffee), yes Aaron, your Bad….
Thanks Ann and George. Aaron walks better in heels than I do, he’s a character.