So, I’ve been using Twitter for a month or so and I’m enjoying the service. What I like most about Twitter is that my tweets are set up to automatically post to my Facebook profile page and also to this blog (See “Cindy’s Brain Farts” in the right column).
Now that I’ve been on Twitter for a while, I’m starting to get a fair amount of followers. So, what do I do, follow everyone who follows me? If I don’t follow someone who follows me, is that considered rude? I did a search for Twitter Etiquette and could not find a consensus on this. So what I’m doing now is if I get a follow notice, I’ll check out the users profile page to be sure they are not spammers. Then I take a look at some of their tweets and if I don’t find anything objectionable, I will follow them. Of course I don’t have time to follow every tweet and I don’t have tweets coming to my phone. I just have a twitter gadget on my portal page and I browse that frequently.
Anyway, while I was searching for Twitter Etiquette, I found this really cool photo and article. I love the way the avatars are pasted onto the people. I especially like the default avatar lady, LOL! The article also has some useful Twitter tips.
Writing My Twitter Etiquette Article: 14 Ways to Use Twitter Politely
If you are on twitter and would like to follow me, click here.