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What is man’s greatest achievement?

With the 40th anniversary of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission, CNN polled people from around the world and asked them the question, “What is man’s greatest achievement?” They got a surprising variety of answers to this question. While a few people did say the luna landing, this was usually not the answer. Here are some of the opinions in no particular order:

The Wheel
The Computer
The Airplane
The Written Word
The Alphabet
Space Travel
The Internet
Sliced bread
Discovery of the Atom
Nuclear Fission
The Pyramids
Satellite Communication

I think I’d pick antibiotics. What do you think is man’s greatest achievement?


Homosapiens for Dummies

Includes: How to hunt a Mammoth!

By Aaron Bissell October 2006
By Aaron Bissell
October 2006
How to Hunt a Mammoth 1. Find a herd 2. Single one out, either hurt or behind 3. Kill it.
How to Hunt a Mammoth
1. Find a herd
2. Single one out, either hurt or behind
3. Kill it.
How to Start a Fire 1. get two sticks, about 12 inches long, rub together. 2. get 2 rocks the size of your palm, hit together until spark. 3. lightning 4. put a stick in the center of leaves.
How to Start a Fire
1. get two sticks, about 12 inches long, rub together.
2. get 2 rocks the size of your palm, hit together until spark.
3. lightning
4. put a stick in the center of leaves.
How to Make a Pitfall 1. dig a really deep hole. 2. put spears at the bottom. 3. cover hole. 4. wait for mammoth.
How to Make a Pitfall
1. dig a really deep hole.
2. put spears at the bottom.
3. cover hole.
4. wait for mammoth.

The End
