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“How’d the Moon Get There?”

The moon was formed after a Mars-sized object smashed into Earth over four and a half billion years ago. This collision caused material from both Earth and the colliding object to be thrown into orbit around Earth. This material eventually gathered together to form the Moon.

Bill O’Reilly tried to prove the existence of God with the now famous line, “the tides go in, the tides go out”. Now he has made himself look even more foolish trying to explain his way out of this ignorant statement.

The fact is that since the beginning of human history, people have created gods to explain things that they don’t understand. Naturally, the first god was the Sun God, since the sun gave light and life. Some cultures had many different gods for all sorts of things. Today, most religions worship a single god, but the premise is no different than it was in ancient times. We still use gods as gap fillers for things we don’t understand, which is exactly what O’Rielly is trying to do here – and with such arrogance. I don’t know how that happened, therefore it happened magically.

The more we learn about life, our world, our universe and beyond, the less we will need gods. How did we get here? Was it luck or was it a magical, invisible sky daddy? How about the Flying Spaghetti Monster?


Creation of Adam or Creation of God?

Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” is a famous section of the Sistine Chapel ceiling painted in 1511. It illustrates the biblical story from the Book of Genesis in which God breathes life into Adam, the first man. But was Michelangelo hinting at a different story?

Take a closer look at this painting. First, Adam is very much alive. Is he reaching to God or is God reaching to him?

If you know anything about human anatomy, the depiction of God inside the human brain is unmistakable. I would speculate that Michelangelo was actually saying that God is a creation of man. Man created God in his own image.

Michelangelo was a well educated, multi-talented genius. He no doubt realized that there is nothing outside of the human imagination to prove anything written in the Book of Genesis. Of course he could never admit these ideas in his time, but was this painting a clever way to speak his own mind?


The Bloody History of the Fertile Crescent

Prepare to be enlightened. The Bloody History of the Fertile Crescent takes a fresh and unique new look at the bible stories we’ve all heard, but never really fully examined. This is a wonderful book and one of my new favorites!

The Bloody History of the Fertile Crescent

By Barry Pomeroy

Biblical stories have a grave and exhilarating rhetorical power. Even those who claim they have been raised without the benefit of church have not entirely evaded scripture; when they hear the familiar tales of the Ark, Garden, and Jesus on the cross, the expression on their face betrays an understanding, on almost a visceral level, of the biblical narratives.

The stories that traditional tellings have avoided, that hover just behind the prevailing interpretation, are some of the most interesting of all. These stories remained untold because the characters were seen as uninteresting or unpopular and therefore no place was reserved for them in the dominant record. There are also buried stories secreted within the main figures, their more obscure motivations and hidden wishes.

Read here of Ismael and Isaac’s unusual connection, to see how Jesus came to be the son of God, how Satan and God’s relationship deteriorated, how Jonah fared in the whale, and why Adam and Eve left the garden. Read to find out why Job was punished, what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, where Joseph got his coat, and the origins of Mary’s fantastic explanation. Learn what Moses did with the first set of commandments, why Cain slew Able, why the Tower of Babel faltered, and Jesus’ advice about talent. Read this alternative bible so this ancient text can fulfil its original project: The Bloody History of the Fertile Crescent.

Order your copy here


Teach your children well

Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints polygamist ranch in Texas

Are you surprised, or perhaps even outraged by this story? While extreme, this is basically one of many examples of the religious brainwashing that our young are subjected to on a regular basis. Children by nature trust their parents. What children are taught at an early age stays with them for life. It is impossible for a young child to make a judgment regarding faith. They are too young to understand these supernatural ideas. Therefore, it is not possible for a child to be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim or whatever their parents happen to be. When parents force their superstitious beliefs upon their children, this is a form of brainwashing.

Religion is like a virus that infects the majority of the world’s population and we are passing this infection on to our children. It teaches them to believe in things that can not be tested or proven and in reality is superstitious nonsense. Religion is like an infection of the masses that continues to spread generation after generation. It’s a virus that causes delusions of the ultimate imaginary friend.

Why is this bad? Because it teaches children not to think. Religion teaches them ancient superstitious beliefs, rather than facts and it is a slippery slope that often leads to segregation, bigotry and hatred. Religion is a destructive force that has caused anger and bloodshed throughout human history. “My God is better than your God” or who’s imaginary friend is the real God? In reality, there are no gods. For those who are able to think – in spite of childhood brainwashing and social pressures – it is clear that believing in an invisible friend up in the sky is just ridiculous. Also, religion is not necessary in order to give children a moral foundation. We should practice “the golden rule” because it’s the right thing to do, not out of the fear of God or Hell’s fire.

If world peace can ever be possible, we must break this cycle and stop brainwashing our young. Children should be taught facts, not superstitions, so that they can grow up to be open-minded, thinking adults who are able to form their own objective opinions. Their is a difference between teaching a child about the religions of the world and scaring a child into thinking they are going to burn in hell if they don’t believe in whatever particular god their parents worship. They should be taught history, science, literature, mathematics and most importantly critical thinking.

It’s time for free thinkers to step forward and say, enough is a enough. In order to become a global community, we need to move beyond these ancient myths and taboos; we have plenty of real-world differences and problems to overcome. Once a child has been infected with the god virus, it is almost impossible to cure them. As always, prevention is the best medicine.


Imagine there’s no Heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

– John Lennon
