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“How’d the Moon Get There?”

The moon was formed after a Mars-sized object smashed into Earth over four and a half billion years ago. This collision caused material from both Earth and the colliding object to be thrown into orbit around Earth. This material eventually gathered together to form the Moon.

Bill O’Reilly tried to prove the existence of God with the now famous line, “the tides go in, the tides go out”. Now he has made himself look even more foolish trying to explain his way out of this ignorant statement.

The fact is that since the beginning of human history, people have created gods to explain things that they don’t understand. Naturally, the first god was the Sun God, since the sun gave light and life. Some cultures had many different gods for all sorts of things. Today, most religions worship a single god, but the premise is no different than it was in ancient times. We still use gods as gap fillers for things we don’t understand, which is exactly what O’Rielly is trying to do here – and with such arrogance. I don’t know how that happened, therefore it happened magically.

The more we learn about life, our world, our universe and beyond, the less we will need gods. How did we get here? Was it luck or was it a magical, invisible sky daddy? How about the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
