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Update – Tuesday

Anthony looks better today, as the swelling in his face has decreased. He is still on a ventilator, but his O2 has been decreased from 50% to 40%. They plan to start weaning him off the ventilator later today and see how he does. He is opening his eyes once in a while, but he’s on heavy pain medications and asleep most of the time. He has a small infiltrate in his right lung, but this is getting better on it’s own. He is on IV antibiotics and has no fever. I got a look at his back today. Not much to see but a really big bandage covering most of his back. Hoping to see an x-ray soon.

On another note, the hospital is buzzing with the news that Craig Mello, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering a process that can silence specific genes. Pretty cool, and big local news.

Eyes open
Look how straight he is in the bed!

Surgery Done

Anthony was in the OR for over 9 hours, from 7:30am until 4:45pm. The surgery went well. He did lose quite a bit of blood, especially toward the end of the surgery. He received 6 units of blood, which is a lot for a 90 lb boy. He also received “cell savers,” I don’t know what that is, will have to look that up. The wires and rods go from his sacrum up to T2. His doctor said he now has about a 20-30% curve, which is a big improvement. She said she put in a lot of bone, meaning bone grafts which will fuse his spine together. When I asked where she got the bone, she said, “out of a jar”. The bone is from a donor and we will be able to send the donor’s family a thank you note.

Anthony is settled in the Pediatric ICU now. Rich will spend the night with him. He is on a ventilator, he has an arterial line and a central line, a urinary catheter and a drain in his back. His face is quite swollen from all the transfusions and fluid plus laying on his stomach for 9 hours. They will keep him quiet and sedated through the night, will update again tomorrow. Thank you all for your and kind words of support.


Homosapiens for Dummies

Includes: How to hunt a Mammoth!

By Aaron Bissell October 2006
By Aaron Bissell
October 2006
How to Hunt a Mammoth 1. Find a herd 2. Single one out, either hurt or behind 3. Kill it.
How to Hunt a Mammoth
1. Find a herd
2. Single one out, either hurt or behind
3. Kill it.
How to Start a Fire 1. get two sticks, about 12 inches long, rub together. 2. get 2 rocks the size of your palm, hit together until spark. 3. lightning 4. put a stick in the center of leaves.
How to Start a Fire
1. get two sticks, about 12 inches long, rub together.
2. get 2 rocks the size of your palm, hit together until spark.
3. lightning
4. put a stick in the center of leaves.
How to Make a Pitfall 1. dig a really deep hole. 2. put spears at the bottom. 3. cover hole. 4. wait for mammoth.
How to Make a Pitfall
1. dig a really deep hole.
2. put spears at the bottom.
3. cover hole.
4. wait for mammoth.

The End
